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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Turkish Taspinar carpets and rugs
TTCC_gallery/TaspinarTA02_02.jpgThe town of Taspinar (TAŞPINAR) literal meaning "rock spring" is located in Anatolia sort of equidistant from Konya, Ladik and Nigde, in a region often described as Cappadocia. This was an area the Sulcuks settled in then they immigrated from central asia around the 12'th century, the Selcuks being quite warrior like became favourites of the Ottoman Sultan of the day, and favoured "Pretorian Guard" type soldiers. Together with these attributes they brought a wealth of other talents not the least rug weaving, which was commented upon by Marco Polo, none the less, on his travels through the region. The rug weaving continued and florished into what we see and can purchase today, handed down from mother to daughter in time unaltered traditions. Taspinar rugs are often characterized by a large central medallion most often set in a ruby red field which is octagonal and stepped. Not generally one medallion but often as many as 3 superimposed on one another, this makes for a wonderful complexity. The spandrells are generally gorgeous floral or vine depictions. Most often 1 main border is flanked by two minor meanders of carnations. The quality of these rugs is second to none, lambs wool most often vegetably dyed, strident colours of blues, reds, gold and browns startlingly punctuated with undyed white wool, just as this wonderful carpet depicts. Taspinars are an undervalued Turkish class of rug, I think because nobody truly understands them, their value hasn't been extolled like Kayseri or Hereke rugs, often they have been miscategorized as "yuruk" or nomad rugs. However, they are a category of rug you should definitely have in your collection.
7:13 pm pdt

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The Turkish Carpet Company * 22055 E Beaver Creek Road, Cloverdale, Oregon 97112 USA * tel. +1 503-398-5002 *

Licensed in the State of Oregon, Company # 417123-99